How Tech Can Help Your Lent

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TEC054: As Lent begins, Catholics are being encouraged to limit their technology use to be more mindful of the season. Dom Bettinelli, Fr. Andrew Kinstetter, and Pat Scott look at how to use tech to enhance our Lenten observance as well as ways to put limits on our tech use in that spirit.
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Links for this episode:
- TEC015: Using–And Fasting From–Technology During Holy Week
- Rosary Army App
- Rosary — One Hail Mary at a Time
- BEST LENT EVER | Have Your Best Lent Ever This Year | Dynamic Catholic
- Lent Reflections with Bishop Robert Barron
- Carmelite Retreat Online
- FORMED Lenten Reflections
- Pray: The Catholic Novena App | Pray Catholic Novenas
- Lent 2020 Lockscreens | We AreFranciscan University of Steubenville
- Pope at Audience: ‘disconnect from TV, smart phones and connect to the Gospel in Lent’ – Vatican News
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Picks of the Week:
- Fr. Andrew: Speedtest by Ookla – The Global Broadband Speed Test
- Pat: [easyazon_link identifier=”B004YCUDMU” locale=”US” tag=”wwwsqpncom-20″]IOGEAR 2-Port HDMI Cable KVM Switch with Cables and Audio, GCS62HU[/easyazon_link]
- Dom: [easyazon_link identifier=”B07QZ1849H” locale=”US” tag=”wwwsqpncom-20″]Etekcity Infrared Thermometer 749[/easyazon_link]
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