Vaccine Passports

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TEC106: Some countries are saying you’ll need a vaccine passport to travel there. Dom, Pat, and Jack discuss what kind of technology might be involved–if any. Also, Apple’s clearing the decks, Netflix on account sharing, prison software bugs, and Microsoft’s decentralized ID.
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Links for this episode:
- Why vaccine passports for travel are controversial
- Apple discontinues original HomePod, will focus on mini – TechCrunch
- Netflix ‘test’ pushes password sharers to get their own account | Engadget
- Whistleblowers: Software Bug Keeping Some Inmates In Prisons Beyond Release Dates | KJZZ
- Microsoft’s Dream of Decentralized IDs Enters the Real World
- What Are Public Keys and Private Keys? | Ledger
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Picks of the Week:
- Jack: Apple Watch and Fitness+
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