COZ003: A Change of Heart, A Change of Mind

Join Lindsay Sant, Caroline Knight, and Gerry Trapnell for a discussion of the surprising conversion of former Australian politician (and former atheist) Bill Hayden. Caroline also gives some info on the Chinese Space Agency’s mission to the ‘dark side of the moon’ and Lindsay shares his personal reflection on the birth of his second son, Alexander, who became a part of the Sant family 9 years after their first son was born. Also some surprising ways in which gaming apps can help to build supportive communities.

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TEC005: Robocalls and Technology Censorship

Americans endured over 26 billion robocalls last year. Dom Bettinelli, Fr. Michael Gossett, and Thomas Sanjurjo discuss what should be done at the government, corporate, and individual levels to deal with them. Then they discuss censorship by social media platforms and who gets to decide what is acceptable speech.

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MYS026: The Disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa

After more than than 40 years, the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa stills has a hold on the popular imagination. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli examine the mystery of the disappearance of this former Teamster boss and the purported confession of the man who claimed responsiblity.

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WHO111: The Sensorites

The First Doctor encounters a race of telepathic beings in conflict with humans, but it’s the internal conflicts of the Sensorites that will put the Doctor and his Companions in danger. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss this classic episode from the first season.

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COZ002: The Oz Bishops Plenary, WETA Workshop, and more

In this episode, Lindsay, Caroline, and Gerry share their responses to the Australian Catholic Bishops’ 2020 Plenary Council (and song!). Caroline shares some fascinating insights into the New Horizon’s interplanetary probe mission, and a rare behind-the-scenes tour of the WETA workshop movie F/X company in New Zealand. Plus spoiler-free reviews of Aquaman and Mary Poppins Returns.

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WHO110: Gridlock

In the future, traffic jams will take forever… literally. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha look at the 10th Doctor story, Gridlock, in which David Tennant’s Doctor and Martha Jones must find out why people spend their entire lives in an unending commute in far future New York.

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