COZ004: Popes, Patrons and Mars Explorations

In this episode, the Catholics of Oz discuss an offer for Pope Francis to become Vegan during Lent for 1 million dollars – will he do it? Caroline is inspired by Prince William’s generous patronage of The Passage, a charity for homeless people in the UK. The team take a different angle on their entertainment segment, focussing on the addictive properties of some computer games on their children and Caroline shares some thoughts on the end of the Mars Rover Mission and new information that suggests Ultima Thule is shaped like a pancake.

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TEC008: Foldable Smartphones and Streaming Apple

Foldable smartphones are arriving. Dom Bettinelli, Joanne Mercier, and Fr. Cory Sticha give their first impressions and talk about where they hope smartphone development goes next. Plus what they hope for in the coming Apple streaming service and how many streaming services is too many.

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WHO114: The Ambassadors of Death

The Second Doctor deals with an alien invasion, but finds the real enemies aren’t in outerspace. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss this 2nd Doctor (John Pertwee) story, as well as news of Season 12 filming, David Tennant’s podcast, and a cool, new Big Finish audio production.

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SST037: The Sounds of Thunder

An oppressed species will rise up against its oppressor and … make peace? Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss “The Sounds of Thunder,” the latest episode of Star Trek Discovery and ask whether the crew has just ignited peace or a global war on Saru’s world. Plus, does Star Trek have 3 timelines now?

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TEC007: The End of Google+ and Tech Consolidation

With the end of Google+ right around the corner, Dom Bettinelli, Thomas Sanjurjo, and Fr. Michael Gossett discuss their experiences with this and other non-Facebook/Twitter social media. Then they talk about small consumer tech companies being gobbled up by the Big Five companies.

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