MYS017: Are We In a Simulation? Does It Matter?

Some serious people think we could be part of gigantic Matrix-style computer simulations. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss whether it’s philosophically or scientifically possible and, if it were true, would it matter to us on a practical or theological level?

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MYS016: Jesus’ Prophecy: “The Temple Will Be Destroyed!”

In the first century, Jesus’ most famous prophecy—other than his own death and resurrection—was that the Jewish temple in Jerusalem would be destroyed. And it was. But was the prophecy fulfilled? Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the claims and counter-claims about the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple.

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SST025: Caretaker

Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha look at the first episode of Star Trek: Voyager and discuss whether there could have been a better way for the Caretaker to find a date, how the crew’s personalities changed over time, and the set up for Voyager’s evolution through the struggle to survive.

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WHO101: The Witchfinders

How do you know she’s a witch? The Doctor and companions are back in the 17th century and encounter a witch trial and King James. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the episode’s high points, the misses, the religious references, and the real history behind the story.

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MYS015: Was the JFK Assassination a Conspiracy?

Was there more than one gunman? Didn’t two different government commissions come to different conclusions? What do we really know about the JFK assassination? Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli take a high-level look at the JFK assassination, the mysteries and conspiracy theories, and the evidence to conclude either that Oswald acted alone or there were others involved.

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