Starts With A Bang! The Big Bang (Science & Faith)

In the 20th century, scientists began to theorize what Christians have long held: that the universe had a definite beginning. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli ask what is the Big Bang, what evidence points toward it, and what are its implications.

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The Versailles Time-Slip (Moberly-Jourdain Incident, An Adventure)

In 1901, two Englishwomen visiting the French palace of Versailles had a strange experience. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss their encounters with strangely dressed people in what has become known as a time-slip and what could explain it.

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Fr. Henry Duranquet, SJ, Apostle to the Tombs

Fr. Henry Duranquet, SJ, was called Apostle of the Tombs because of his decades ministering to convicts in New York’s prisons, including the prison known as “The Tombs.” Tom and Noëlle Crowe tell us how his patient Christlike work won over thousands of souls for Christ, including the most notorious killers.

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Giants! (Biblical Giants, Goliath, Nephilim, Tallest Man Ever, Robert Wadlow)

Giants have been part of history and mythology all over the world. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss what giants are, how big humans can get, what’s responsible for giants, and the report of giant people in legends and the Bible.

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